Digital Ocean Forum 2024

Digital Ocean Forums 2022 & 2023


The Digital Ocean Forum 2023 brought together experts, stakeholders, policymakers and interested citizens in the co-design and co-creation of the European Digital Twin Ocean.

Objectives public session:
  • Present the European Digital Twin Ocean vision and report on progress to date.
  • Provide a short input from a technical workshop, held on 14 June, featuring esteemed experts from approximately 50 invited research projects to gather their views on the development of the European Digital Twin Ocean, methods for potential contributions.
  • Engage in forward looking discussion on how the European Digital Twin Ocean should serve Ocean communities and actors, how it should evolve, and how it will affect policy and decision making.


The Digital Ocean Forum 2022 was organized as a response to the EU Mission “Restore our Oceans and Seas by 2030” and to the call made at the One Ocean Summit on 11 February 2022 in Brest (France) towards the construction of the European Digital Twin Ocean (EU DTO) based on European Assets such as Copernicus and EMODnet.