The European Digital Twin Ocean (EU DTO) is a crucial asset to addressing the pressing societal challenges posed by ocean change and the first demo of the pre-operational platform is presented below through its five main pillars, each with a dedicated page. This first demo will also be presented live at the Digital Ocean Forum 2024, to diverse stakeholders including European Commissioner Iliana Ivanova of the EC Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD). This milestone will fulfil a key commitment made by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who first announced the EU DTO at the One Ocean Summit in Brest, France in February 2022. Aligning with the EU Green Deal and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the EU DTO exemplifies Europe's commitment to developing innovative scientific tools to revolutionise the approach to addressing the multi-faceted challenges facing the Ocean.

In the face of increasing human pressures and climate change, the European Digital Twin Ocean (EU DTO) is crucial to enable us to better understand and predict changes in marine and coastal environments. This is essential to support effective decision-making and sustainable action to protect the ocean, communities, and preserve valuable marine resources for future generations. Co-creation being at the heart of the EU DTO’s construction, the annual Digital Ocean Forum gathers feedback from partners and various stakeholders to ensure the EU DTO meets societal needs.
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Built on European scientific excellence and assets, the EU DTO leverages world-leading marine data infrastructures, namely, the Copernicus Marine Service and the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) into a single digital framework. Thus, providing an intuitive and efficient platform, empowering users to delve into a wealth of marine data with ease, speed, reliability, and scalability. Apart from the seamless data access, users will be able to use the platform to derive actionable insights, paving the way for data-driven ocean solutions in diverse sectors.
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The EU DTO is revolutionizing ocean knowledge by combining it with pioneering science progress and digital technologies. Leveraging the state-of-the-art numerical modeling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and supercomputing resources, the EU DTO provides infrastructure and tools needed to harness vast amounts of data and translate them into impactful information. The foundation block of a thriving digital marine knowledge ecosystem, the EU DTO fosters innovation enabling continuous development of new applications and services for an expanded offer and wider impact.
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Thanks to the EU DTO, policymakers can access or generate the information needed to shape effective decisions in the face of complex and multifactorial decisions on intensifying ocean and coastal challenges. They will be able to test and assess future impacts of climate scenarios and management decisions and decide on the best course of action navigating through competing priorities, allocation of finite resources and balancing diverse interests. The EU DTO will be instrumental decision support tool to the EU and international agenda in line with the EU Green Deal, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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The EU DTO is built on a wealth of expertise on the principles of co-design and co-construction. From federating leading ocean science experts in Europe and beyond, to pioneering the development of digital twin models, to leveraging artificial intelligence simulations, to optimising high-performance computing resources, the consortium's expertise is diverse. These dynamic partnerships demonstrate the power of collaboration in the pursuit of scientific and technological excellence towards a shared vision of a sustainable and interconnected future for our ocean and humanity.
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