Digital Ocean Forum 2024

About the EU Digital Twin Ocean

The Ocean is still largely a great mystery for humankind.

The European Commission launched the development of the European Digital Twin of the Ocean at the One Ocean Summit in February 2022. Ursula Von Der Leyen, European Commission President, announced: 

“The ocean is still largely a great mystery for humankind. That is why Europe is building a digital twin of the ocean. We are connecting our assets – like the Copernicus satellites, marine infrastructure like icebreakers, buoys and underwater drones, and high-performance computing. We will gather the raw data and turn it into real-time knowledge and longer-term predictions. We are putting the power of the digital revolution at the service of our climate. […] Thanks to the EU and its Member States, a digital twin should be operational by 2024. It will make ocean knowledge open-access, available to citizens, scientists and policymakers around the world. It will be a platform for global cooperation.” 

What is  the Mission?

The European Digital Twin Ocean (EU DTO) is one of the main element of the Digital Ocean Knowledge System under the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters. The European DTO’s ambition is to make ocean knowledge readily available to all. From international policymakers, national governments and researchers to businesses and entrepreneurs to activists and citizens, alike, the DTO will provide them with an innovative set of user-driven, interactive and decision-making tools, backed by science and data
A 2-year project that is building the public infrastructure backbone for EDITO by integrating key data service components (among which Copernicus Marine Service and EMODnet), and by sharing cloud processing capabilities and software into a single digital framework.
A 3-year project aiming to develop the next generation of ocean models, combining artificial intelligence and high-performance computing, to be integrated into the EDITO public infrastructure, providing access to focus applications and simulations of different what-if scenarios.