Digital Ocean Forum 2024


Mariluz Parga

SUBMON citizen science


Mariluz Parga is a wildlife veterinarian who specializes in veterinary medicine of sea turtles, mammals and birds. She applies her experience especially to assessing and increasing the post-capture survival of sea animals accidentally captured by fisheries. She also focuses on oiled wildlife response planning and preparedness in Europe. Since 2008 Mariluz works at the marine conservation NGO SUBMON, based in Barcelona, Spain, where she is one of the founding members and a senior project manager. SUBMON focuses in the study, monitoring and conservation of protected marine habitats and species, working towards the sustainable use of marine resources through Ocean Literacy and citizen engagement. Through its research projects, including citizen science, it plays an important role collecting data on coastal and marine biodiversity and impacts at a local and regional level in Spain. SUBMON then “translates” the information and uses it for management purposes and for citizen engagement and awareness. SUBMON could play a significant role providing the DTO with Mediterranean marine biodiversity data. It could also serve as an interface between science and the local communities, using the information and models obtained through the DTO in a visual format to explain communities the evolution of the marine environment around them, and the intricate relation between them and the sea.

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